OpenSite Designer Help

Horizontal Geometry Modify

Stationing, Station Equations, working with Civil rules and copying civil elements.

Select in the Toolbox


Start Station

Assigns stationing to an element.

Add Station Equation

Defines a station equation at a designated location on an element.

Add Internal Station Equation

Adds station equations at the end of each curve set of an offset alignment in order to match the station of a primary alignment.

Add Single Station Equation

Adds a single station equation at the end of an identified curve set of an offset alignment in order to match the station of a primary alignment.

Copy Element

The Copy Element tool creates a new instance of visible geometry only.

Transpose Element

Creates a copy of the identified element and reverses the direction of the identified element.

Horizontal Insert Fillet

Constructs a complex element by appending additional elements in a previously established complex element.

Append Element

Constructs an element that best fits a course defined by a selected linear object.

Geometry Builder Edit

Allows for the loading and modification of existing geometry in the Geometry Builder Tool dialog box.